This week we are featuring Acer species, commonly known as Maple trees.  Most species are native to Asia.  Trees vary in height from 10 m to 45 m while shrubs grow up to 8 m.  In autumn, Acers have a stunning display of foliage before the leaves fall.  Flowers appear in late winter/early spring.  Beautiful ornamental garden plants and popular as bonsai plants, Maples also have a number of other uses:  source of syrup (most commonly from Acer saccharum); timber for sports equipment such as baseball bats, pool cues, bowling pins; tonewood timber for musical instruments such as guitars, violins and drums; pulpwood for paper and are also a major source of pollen in early spring for honeybees.


Acer buegerianum 1






Acer buergerianum $25.00/25 g





Acer campestre 1




Acer campestre $10.00/25 g






Acer negundo 1




Acer negundo $12.00/25 g, $315.00/kg




Acer platanoides 1



Acer platanoides $12.50/25 g





Acer pseudoplatanus 1




Acer pseudoplatanus $12.00/25 g