Acacia glonoclada - Ganambureng

A shrub to 4m with smooth red-brown or grey bark and yellow rod shaped flowers from May to July.  This is widespread in tropical Australia; Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland.

Eucalyptus grandis - Flooded Gum / Rose Gum

A large fast growing tree flowering from April to August and glossy green leaves on upper and paler beneath, distributed from Newscastle, New South Wales to Bundaberg, Queensland, then in scattered populations until becoming more common in the wet tropics of northern Queensland.  This species is grown in plantations for timber and timber products and also valuable to apiculture, can also be used as large specimen planting in estates, parks etc.

Tristaniopsis laurina syn Tristania laurina - Kanooka / Water Gum

A slow growing tree to 15m, often less in the southern states, with glossy dark green leaves with pale undersides.  Flowers are cream to orange-yellow and borne on short clusters in January to February.