Acacia shirleyi - Lancewood

A common species in semi arid and temperate areas of inland north eastern Australia, usually growing in monsoon forest or dry scrub but not near well developed rainforests.  Growing as a small tree to 15m with masses of moderately dense yellow flower spikes from mid July. This species is endemic to Australia occurring in the Northern Territory, north east Queensland, south east Queensland and inland Queensland.

Corymbia blakelyi - Blakelyi's Red Gum

A frost and drought tolerant tree to 20m preferring alluvial flats, midslope terrain or depressions with seasonal water flows and occuring in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.  Cream flowers occur Nov-Dec and seed capsules persist on the tree until at least the following Summer.  It is an important species for the honey industry as it is a good nectar/pollen source and produces a durable timber and is a good choice for natural shelter or shade.

Lophostemon confertus syn Tristania conferta - Vinegar Tree / Queensland Pink Box / Scrub Box

Endemic to Australia from north east Queensland and southwards to coastal central New South Wales.  It is an evergreen, medium sized, long lived tree with good pest resistance and also tolerant to drought, smog and poor drainage.  In its natural environment, this species can reach heights of 40m but more likely 10-15m in cultivation, with beautiful thick dark glossy leaves which are paler beneath, the bark is smooth and cream coloured which peels in flakes seasonally to reveal orange-brown tones.  White flowers appear in three's and attract bees, this is also an important food plant for the larval stages of the Common Red Eye, Rare Red Eye and eastern Flat Butterflies.  This is a favoured choice as a street tree, great shade tree option and a popular flooring timber in New South Wales and southern Queensland.