Acacia adunca - Golden Glory Wattle / Cascade Wattle / Wallangarra Wattle

A spreading shrub or small tree to 6m with dark green pendulous linear phyllodes, bright yellow globular flowers at the ends of branchlets - this is over a long period and prolific, from July to October and pleasantly fragrant.  Distribution Southern QLD and Northern NSW.

Eucalyptus agglomerata - Blue Leaved Stringybark

A tree 20-30m with grey brown thick fibrous and stringy bark, blue-green glossy leaves and white flowers occur from March to August with crowded woody fruits.

Mealeuca bracteata - Black Tea Tree / River Tea Tree / Mock Olive

A large shrub or bushy small tree 5-10m and is one of the most widely distributed species of Melaleuca in Australia from the central slopes of NE NSW to Cape York, QLD and other occurances in NT, SA, WA, Central Australia and Western QLD.  This is a slow growing species and height is dependant on what zone it is to be grown in.  Dark grey, deeply fissured bark and white flowers on terminal spikes. There is potential for this species to control erosion on stream banks, it is an excellent ornamental and also a great shelter tree.