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Acacia complanata - Flat Stemmed Wattle / Long Pod Wattle

A widespread species occurring in SE QLD to Bundaberg, also SE to NSW and northern coastal areas south to Coffs Harbour and is a shrub to small tree, growing to 5m with flattened arching branchlets.  Leaves are bright green and yellow ball shaped flowers are lightly scented, usually flowering from late Spring to Autumn, although this species can flower at other times and seed is not always produced afterwards.

Eucalyptus gunnii - Cider Gum

A fast growing tree to 30m with persistent bark on lower trunk and shedding to a smooth white, grey or green bark underneath, with dull grey green leaves, small white or cream flowers.  An exceptionally cold tolerant species but does not tolerate wet sites.

Pultenaea villosa - Eggs and Bacon Pea

An  medium shrub to 2m with an erect stem and spreading pendulous branches with small leaves that have short hairs and a greyish appearance.  Yellow and red coloured flowers are the typical pea shape and these mainly appear from Spring to Summer, these are then followed by small seed pods.  This is an easily cultivated species and is gaining popularity.